ah...now that i have gained enough experience in applying thought...i went back to modifying my bike.. the scientific way....
-> requirements specifications:
a) top speed around 95-100 kmph
b) not to undecent mileage <20>40
c) decent handling...........( 'decent' is subject to individual opinion)
-> study phase
a) explore the market for the availabilty of spare parts... now that 2 strokes are a near extinct species...
b) supply vs demand curve :-) .... no demands for 2 stroke spares means no supply..
the stock samurai uses a 87.5 main jet..i procured main jets of the following sizes 90,95,100,105,110, 115.. till size 100 i enquired for the main jet of 2 stroke bikes like shogun and RX-100. i wasnt so sure about the size of the RX100 main jet size(stock) and dealer ended up giving me a 115 size jet..anyways...
-> design and implementation
nothing to design ;-) just mix and match the jets and set up the carb appropriately.
with the stock air filter 95 main jet gave the max performance, 90 was ok ok..100 gave excellent mid range , but the top end was gone.
with the k&n filter, 110 was the one i finally settled upon..
-> dev testing
87.5 -- top speed of 90kmph....speed is good, but slightly low midrange and it takes quite some time to get to the top speed..
90 -- the speedo needle hovered between 90 and 95.. not too sure if this means anything, but a def improvement in the mid range (only when u pull the throttle wide open...main jet comes into the pic between 3/4th and max throttle)
95 -- crossed 95kmph, couldnt set it properly with a k&n filter, the bike was running too lean.
gave up on the stock filter once i crossed 95
i am not too much of a sound freak...but the exhaust note with an unrestricted filter is truly awesome..
100 was bogging down..couldnt tune it... too much air and not enough fuel...ah.. the resonator..it had to stay cos i couldnt get a normal inlent manifold :-(
105 was very promising, i could touch 100 on a slightly slight decline ;-(...
110-- everything clicked in place... i am not much of a tuner..but this i must admit is the closest i can get to a perfect setting..considering the altitude and the weather conditions prevailing in bangalore.....
115 was too much ... didnt want to explore anything after the 110 jet...
stiffer springs from the fiero f2 for the front.. suprised that they are of the same height:-)
this might be a mistake....rear shocks from the pulsar. gas charged and all ;-) ride quality has improved drastically, but handling at high speeds remains to be checked out fully...
always get scared about messing up with the suspension :-(
to be planned.. initially wanted to make blore- chennai run, but got cancelled in the last min... :-(
and the air screw fell off:-( the hunt starts again for a samurai air screw..