Saturday, December 11, 2010


the hieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

just in case this blog sounds like an email, be excused :-) ... it isnt meant to be one..

i am the backs after a brief vacations from happy land :-D.. that last time i was the writes the blogs.. me was having lots of empty free times in my hands... hint istey pichenkistha moments of maddness.... and as they say, birds of the same feather flock together/.. me was flocking.. i hope it didnt sound that bad....i meant flocking bubba...

so what was i upto, since that last time i was blogging? i was happily in happyness... happyness with a Y :-)... me is happys in the purest sense of the word..

me is happys cos. i have a super cool personalized G PS.. maybe it should be a T PS? it says..ravi make a legal u-turn..nana..make a turn i dont want to turn no... turn nana....noo..turn..what do i get if i turn......muuuahhhhhhhh...turned :-).. what happened there?..

i went to this immigration center.. ramesh lady says.. roll your thumbs, dont press.. i say vakayed.. and beeps..ramesh didnt press hard enough..i was like do i press or not? she says dont press, just roll.. i was like i just rolled no? she was like no.. you didnt press...i gave up.. my ramesh fetish is dying a slow and painful death... ramesh :-(..

and coming back to the 13.5.. my life always revolves around this number.. and i dont know where the extra 0.5 decided to make its presence felt.. 13.5 is magical .. it shows that not everything that is believable is to be believed... numbers are..just numbers at the end of the day and what has to happen, will happen irrespective of the numbers :-D passed in telugu only once in 8th class and i ended up with 2nd rank..

rest of the vacationin the next post no....

apparently this blog is up for performancereview and HRs being HRs.. always give out the form on the last day and demand that it be turned in, in exactly 10 mins.. or your rating goes to dogs :-) i love dogs
few lucky dogs get hugged by bootiful mistresses..while techies get to slam away on their dogger doggest... and at the end of the day, birds of the same feather do FLOCK together

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