Sunday, October 31, 2010

idlies vs diamonds

I apparently asked this question...

amma, idlies are big are small why are diamonds so costly then? apparently I was less than 3 yrs old at that time.. and 27 yrs later.. i still cant get around that question.. how do we place a value on something.. how can is gold more valuable than copper ? 1 dosa for the price of 2 idlies?

i know that i sound stupid..yeah.. i have to be stupid cos i cant understand it anyway...

Saturday, October 30, 2010

M People

if there was one particular tape which I, and most of the good friends, repeatedly was Bizzaire Fruit by mpeople.. If i remember correctly, I bought 4 tapes of the same album in 6 months.. 100Rs was a big amount back then...

Each song still makes a lot of sense.. each song still sounds freshest..
personal favorites

ranked in ascending order are my top 5..did i get that right?

sugar town
walk away
search for the hero
sight for sore eyes
Precious Pearl

the pani..if you ever get to this page.. this one is for you.. the song that inspired us collectively is the search for the hero... what a song..what a life..aah :-D one sallati coming up..


grammatically challenged - Yes
morally challenged - Yes/no
physically challenged - no(for the time being though)
emotionally challenged - yes/no
visually challenged - he he he.. guddi is going to be my official middle name


13.. the number fascinated me from the day I got to know that its unlucky.. didnt make sense at that moment.. but then.. it was my first friday the 13th and i lost my dad's pen at school... i sneaked it out of his pocket to show it off at school..and the thing i showed off the next monday were the welts on my back...friday the 13 + 13 + ravi== deadly..

my atlas rebel was stolen on a friday the 13th..the same year, i saw a very funny movie on star movies called 'saturday the 14th'.. the theme was that if you thought friday the 13th was bad..then the next saturday is the massested..and double the misery..

but back to the number 13..just 13.. it stuck to me for 4 years of was my roll number :-) number 13..aargh...i got my cricket jersey and the team nicely gave me the no13 jersey.. 13 scares me..13 inspires me..13 terrifies me..13 pushes me hard to not to do the right thing :-D...13 confuses me...13 excites me..13 13s me...

and its almost like @30, today is probably the most exciting 13th day ever..what happens today? no idea... will something happen today? will 1 & 3 finally unfold their collective mysteries to me? time only shall tell..and yeah..the 14th should also be able to tell it..

Thursday, October 28, 2010


workflows, singlesign on..otto.. :-) lifes good..extremely good..
been reading a couple of blogs lately and the clarity of thought and the effort amazes me.. one talks about kicking the baltee whereas the other says, shoes are the reflection of a guy's character..
makes sense?? well to me.. nothing makes sense except the blog in which the guy goes on about gultee ultee dhotee..what the TEE i say..

and now the specialist says..poppins.. i miss those treats a lot.. there was another thing by the name of rola cola? cola cola? those were the happy times...

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

downward slope

shud have expected it sooner..after the initial euphoria..comes the lull.. what do i write.. do i beleive in god?
hmm... my standard response to it would be..trick question ah?.. but hmm
i dont know.. i guess lot of ppl have been through this a lot, so what i say might be not at all new..

disclaimer : this is to not hurt any ones sentiments..incase you dont like it...close the door on the way out

Monday, October 25, 2010


the sinus kicking in.. the cold is the not for the me :-(

Sunday, October 24, 2010


tasks to do for today

- clean up the apt
- cook
- finish off the leftover alcohol..
- generally be happy

coming to back my story about i keep remembering things told by an old wise man from china, who wasnt actually chinese but an african nomad who lost his way while tending his sheep and was too hopeless to ask for directions... the old wise man then said.. be happy.. thats it.. nothing more and certainly nothing less.. these are the 2 random words randomly strung together which appeal to me the most.. be happy.. followed by..what else can go wrong?

having been in situations which couldnt possibly get any more worser.. i think..i am..personally.. a stone..a happy stone :-D who tries to float on water by thinking that i can never sink :-D its all in the mind..its all in the mind..followed by aal iz well, aal iz well..

did i lose a couple of pounds by letting this all out :-D yeah baby yeah.. i did, i didded..

Saturday, October 23, 2010


had idlies after ages..never thought that i would miss them so much :-)

does this deserve a post? well... i am not sure..there was a time when the mom used to pack my tiffin dabba daily with idlies and i was completely sick of them... but now... its a different story altogether..

i remember this incident...i guess it was 91..used to walk home from school with this good friend.. and we used to feed our 'leftover' tiffin to a german shepard, which used to wait for us everyday.. and one day..when we were feeding it.. we get smacked on our heads.. and it was by a teacher from our school..she used to teach the senior sections...we ran..and as fate seems to follow me..the very next year..she was our class teacher :-).. i was punished punished and more punished for making her dog overweight, indisciplined, what not :-)

chota chota incidents like these define my life.. do i really need to share them though, is another question..

let me think..

the ciao

Friday, October 22, 2010

the phone call

i cant remember the last time i was so hyper on the phone :-D the conference call with the best of the friends and the mood took off from an already high plane..
the pani, can u carry a gun on the flight to india?
the pani, if something happens to you in india, will aussie army come in helicopter to rescue u?
the pani, how do you say parade saavdhaan in english?

it sometime amazes me that i havent really grown up, even after all these years.. the same thought process which was running when i was 18, is the same one which is still running.. i wish my body also followed the same pattern.. i still crave for the same bike, I cant seem to like bigger better and newer bikes.. i still reread the books which i read when i was a kid.. i cant seem to like new ones.. the list goes what went wrong? should be do you do it can u remain so damn consistent..or stubborn(for all you ex-girlfriends)..

weird statistic befor signing off.. the number of days i knew someone before their 'happy birthday' popped up..

the least - 6
the most - 224

Thursday, October 21, 2010

all magic, no logic

thinking about all the things to which i can apply this..... all magic, no logic..

1 a beautiful woman smiling at me..yeah..definitely
2 vvs laxman batting...maybe there is some logic here..but again..
3 suzuki samurai
4 lottery?
5 my masters..
6 comments on this blog :-D..

its a mac

finally got the mac to work..thanks rama :-)

what do i do with a mac? its a completely different experience..thats for sure...for someone who makes a living off the windows platform.

i what can be so radically different, at the end of the day, its just a machine with a bunch of keys, which does what you want it to do... and that, ladies and the final the end of the day..each machine is simply what it is..a machine..which does what it is told..nothing less..and sometimes a little more..

i noticed that the more i write, the more messed up my grammar gets...the more i talk, the more i fumble.. i think its repetitive stress syndrome for my for thought? yeah baby..

so coming back to the mac... its nice, its cool..its exteremly cool.. in the sense that the aluminium body gets freakingly cold early in the mornings..
what do i want next?
thinking.... shutting down..sleeping


most of the websites i know..are blocked in my workplace..wonder who overlooked what and this one got through..
does it mean, a revival of sorts? the guddi and the blogging again..and that too with a vengence.. i have successfully exceeded in 4 days, what i wrote in 5 years..
what can be the reasons..
numero uno reason0 == i am singularily single and have a loooooooooooooooooooooot of spare time to spend on my keyboard.. girls hand for a keyboard :-( bad trade
reasono 2 == i dont have a bike anymore..spanner for a keyboard..bad trade again.. well, since i am here..let me say that hondas are terribly and disappointingly reliable..they never have a problem :-( toolkit is rusting away..

both the above reasonos are interchangable i guess..cos items involved with reason1 complain about reason2 and items in reason2 demand more of my time than reasono1..

conclusion.. I am 30 (Q.E.D) or hence proved

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

how i almost missed my train and almost got hooked up with a pretty girl

5pm, packing up.. ben rushes up and say..dude, you gotta stay back..nooo...been there..done that..fix the bug, shoot the emails, curse my luck, stare at tracy's legs..curse my luck for not sitting across her..get on the fone, stare at her again...get off the fone..client happys...look at the clock 6:20..curse my luck again..and start running towards the station...manage to get on the 6:30 train with seconds to spare..find a seat, settle down...close my eyes..and duh..why isnt the train moving? curse my luck again...the trains delayed due to some track maintenance...damn damn damn...

pretty girl: excuse me
ravi: hey beautiful.. actual words ( duh..)
pg: does this train go to framingham?
ravi: for you, this will go anywhere (duh...i no..dont..maybe..zz)
pg: oh ok..i thought this train goes to framingham..
ravi: no no no, this train does go to framingham (no, yes..framingham framingham)

and then..i put my nose down into my iphone and start browsing

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

goldfish in a pool of sharks

been talking to this person... and she came up with this line about a goldfish fighting sharks... interesting.. its not too often that i think..but when i think..i really think that i think.. and to grudgingly give credit to where it's due.. that line almost made sense.. gory..

Monday, October 18, 2010

whats up doc

why do i feel like writing again...2 posts in 1 day..this is my most productive day ever.. is it that the statistics that the drive the me? i was in a weird situation today morning, when i was drafting a tech document..the amount of the 'the's in the document was scary..
i tried to be normal and sober and cut down the 'the's..but it was completely hopeless.. The agent waits for the update process to do the update by which the the the...and then I the realised that i am the obsessed with the definte article.. what started out as the fun, is the taking over the my the life.. i can feel the eggs the hitting my face...i feel sorry for you..the reader, who the had the misfortune of the coming across this page...


the hardest part about looking back is to go forward in the first place... where did i lose the plot?
ppl say that they cant understand what I write.. I completely agree with them..If writing is an extension of what goes inside your mind..whatever I write complete and utterly reflects the state of my mind..chaos..or randomness..i know quite a few number words..but they are just words..hanging independent of each other..waiting to be strung together and you know..expect to make sense and justify their existence.. where did i lose the plot? (twice)
i keep waiting for the spark to ignite my whatever that i have been waiting for..and i keep missing bonfires along the did that sound right? on a very particular level, it didnt sound right at all..
i am a crowd pleaser, or rather i assume that i am a crowd pleaser..if there exists a word as feels childish almost, to say that i am crowd pleaser..its like i am trying to impress my class teacher in 2nd standard, so that she can me extra marks and i can get a bigger helping of vanilla icecream cos of those extra marks.. now where did i lose the plot?
i find happiness in solitude..i find happiness amongst i i am not..or am i? who are you..and now this is completely on the edge of being shambolic..
if only there was a writable version of abstract paintings..wherein you splash colors on a canvas when you are drunk and make millions of dollars..this is my equivalent..this is my contribution..and this is my life on a plate..

here i am..

Its been ages since I visited this page.. on second thoughts, i was never a regular blogger anyway to seriously miss it...

i seem to hit backspace more often than i hit any other key...