Saturday, October 23, 2010


had idlies after ages..never thought that i would miss them so much :-)

does this deserve a post? well... i am not sure..there was a time when the mom used to pack my tiffin dabba daily with idlies and i was completely sick of them... but now... its a different story altogether..

i remember this incident...i guess it was 91..used to walk home from school with this good friend.. and we used to feed our 'leftover' tiffin to a german shepard, which used to wait for us everyday.. and one day..when we were feeding it.. we get smacked on our heads.. and it was by a teacher from our school..she used to teach the senior sections...we ran..and as fate seems to follow me..the very next year..she was our class teacher :-).. i was punished punished and more punished for making her dog overweight, indisciplined, what not :-)

chota chota incidents like these define my life.. do i really need to share them though, is another question..

let me think..

the ciao

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