Friday, October 22, 2010

the phone call

i cant remember the last time i was so hyper on the phone :-D the conference call with the best of the friends and the mood took off from an already high plane..
the pani, can u carry a gun on the flight to india?
the pani, if something happens to you in india, will aussie army come in helicopter to rescue u?
the pani, how do you say parade saavdhaan in english?

it sometime amazes me that i havent really grown up, even after all these years.. the same thought process which was running when i was 18, is the same one which is still running.. i wish my body also followed the same pattern.. i still crave for the same bike, I cant seem to like bigger better and newer bikes.. i still reread the books which i read when i was a kid.. i cant seem to like new ones.. the list goes what went wrong? should be do you do it can u remain so damn consistent..or stubborn(for all you ex-girlfriends)..

weird statistic befor signing off.. the number of days i knew someone before their 'happy birthday' popped up..

the least - 6
the most - 224

1 comment:

The Modern Pastry Shop said...

happy birthday to me!