Thursday, November 04, 2010


to define something is the most complicated task in the world.. i cud never define things clearly.. cos my perspective on things changed faster than i cud blink... that i CANT see properly is another story altogether... how do i define the bottle of green heineken on the table in front me? is it a bottle, is it green? what is green? i remember.. for a question in ukg.. i wrote the answer as, patients are kept under the bed..

and now since the topic of books came up.. someone stole my journal long time back and i am pretty sure I know who it is.. but then jokes apart....if there is another thing i want to be buried along with( apart from my bikes).. its a book.. a leather bound copy of foutainhead...
life is peacefull..
guddi rests in peace

1 comment:

The Modern Pastry Shop said...

Nice..I like this post...But I promise I did not steal ur journals....